With holiday shopping starting earlier each year, a online computer site wanted to connect with enthusiasts at each stage of the purchase cycle. It teamed with Hooqy to drive traffic to its new website, increase sales, and position its brand.
Hooqy developed a two-month strategy to build momentum in preparation for holiday shopping, utilizing our contextual targeting platform.
• We implemented a custom site list to align the computer hardware review content.
• We designed custom behavioral targeting segments for computer products to follow consumers’ passion points.
• Finally, we placed a tracking pixel on the client’s landing page to optimize across the web.
The campaign enabled the online computer store to engage with enthusiasts, driving up its site visitation rate by 150% among unique visitors quarter over quarter. In addition, Hooqy delivered clear results and maximized the ROI for this new online computer site, which dropped other media partners and continues to work with Hooqy.